Because that is our purpose for being alive.
Let me explain. I believe that we are all actually One Soul, fractalized and limited in perception out of choice. In the Time Before Time, the One Soul existed perfect and complete, but alone and without anything to compare itself to. Without anything else, the One Soul did not actually exist, because we can only define "exist" in comparison to something else, and there was nothing else. So the One Soul created physical reality from/within Itself in order to have a basis for comparison.
Now (and I freely admit this is all personal speculation, but it makes sense to me) we are the One Soul in fractal microcosm, and as such crave self-definition as well. For this purpose, we come into physical incarnation and forgetfulness so that we may have things in our perception that (we believe) are Not Us. But due to our conscious minds, it is not enough to compare ourselves in a simple-location way as a means of self-definition. We do not simply observe the world, we interact with it and make decisions about it and name things within it. We want to know more than just What, we want to know Which and Who and Where and When and How, and most important of all, Why.
The Why is the key, the crux of the matter, for why is Choice, and Choice is what all this moral judgement-passing is all about. We create ideas of right and wrong in order to create a dualistic framework of Why from which we base our decisions. Thus we create ideas of right and wrong so that we have something from which to choose our idea of Who We Are.
So right and wrong do exist, and are horribly important, but they simply aren't absolutes, even if we all agree upon them. Yes, I think we can all agree that love-sponsored action is "better" than fear-sponsored action, but it really is only "better" because we say it is. The only real difference between the two is that one is action which acknowledges our Unity and the other is action that acknowledges our separation. Yes, that separation may be an illusion in the grand scheme of things, but it is the separation which is the truth in physical reality, and all this spiritual kanoodling won't change that one iota.
This is what author Neale Donald Walsch calls a "divine dichotomy", two seemingly contradictory ideas which are both true. We are all One Soul choosing to experience many limited ideas of self, and we are billions and trillions of individual souls each striving to define ourselves as singular points of view.
So the true key is this: we are free to create our ideas of right and wrong in whatever way defines us, but we must understand that our moral decisions are exactly that, decisions, and ours and no one else's. These choices are the tools with which we define ourselves, and that is nothing less than our sacred work in this reality.
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