Predestination is the belief that everything we think, say, or do is merely an echo, a reflection of the Will Of The All, a belief that there is a Grand Purpose, an overarching Plan which All That Is has in mind, a Point B to our Point A, so to speak, and all this guidance on It's part works toward that (whatever "that" may be is irrelevant). Yet the greater part of humanity believes in free will to one extent or another. Why? According to predestination, our thoughts are not out own, but reflections of All That Is, so therefore this thought of our free will is "given" to us as well. If there is a Purpose to everything, there must then be a purpose for us believing that we have free will.
Those who believe in predestination believe also that our insistence on our free will is the cause of much of our misery and unhappiness, that we need to "let go and let God" in order to find peace. So my question is simple: if the Oneness gives us all of our beliefs, yet the belief in our free will makes us miserable, why does the Oneness give it to us? What purpose does deliberate misery serve?
No, my friends, I cannot believe in such a thing. I cannot believe that anyone is miserable not of their own will, for such a belief turns the One into a cruel, thoughtless thing, using us for It's own devices and purposes with no more excuse than "suck it up, it's only an illusion". I cannot believe that we are only the Potter's clay, or at best the Potter's wheel. I can't even believe that we are only the Potter. Instead, I believe we are all three, the Creator, the Created, and the Device of Creativity, and we may choose at any time to move into whichever role and perception we want.
As I said at the beginning, once I believed in predestination. Then one day I took a good long look at my life and saw that everything was a consequence of my thoughts, words and actions, even the things which, at the time, I thought were Fate or Destiny or the Will of God or what have you. I saw my whole life was one great example of My Will Be Done.
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