The whole free will vs. destiny concept is something I've spent a great deal of time mulling over. The entire subject really hinges on two interrelated things, namely the nature of the Divine (what I call the One Soul) and the purpose of physical reality. So let's take a look at the idea of Destiny and see what that tells us about the above. If there is such a thing as Destiny, it must be put in place by God, or the Divine, or the Higher Powers, or whatever limited little name you wish to give the Unlimited. If this is the case, then the Divine must have requirements, desires, or preferences of some sort, otherwise there would be no purpose to Destiny.
So my question then is what sort of preferences would the Divine have? One does not have preferences simply to have them, they must fill some need, whether it be psychological, emotional, or what have you. Yet we are talking about That Which Is, the source of everything in existence, the Alpha and Omega. How could such a Being need anything?
Second issue has to do with Time. For something to need anything, there has to be Time involved, because there must be a moment when the thing desired is not possessed, then another when it is either achieved or thwarted in order for the entire process to exist. Thus for the Divine to have any desires or needs, the Divine must be bound up by Time. Yet we have proven that Time is actually an aspect of physical reality, that there is not Time and Space, but the Time/Space continuum. But if we are speaking of the Creator, we must be speaking of a consciousness which existed "before" Time existed, thus it cannot be bound by Time.
Thus in order for Destiny to exist, it must be possible for the Divine to have requirements and be limited by Time, yet there cannot be anything the Unlimited does not have, and the Creator must exist outside of Time, thus I cannot see how Destiny can exist.
Yet there must be a purpose to physical reality, otherwise it would not exist either. So where does that leave us? This quandary bound me up for a very long time, until a friend sent me a link to a very nifty video explaining how to conceptualize how 5th and higher dimensions work. Here it is if you wish to watch it yourself:
The important point is this: when a conscious being makes a choice, a "fracture" occurs in 6th dimensional "space", a splitting off like the branches of a tree, one path representing one choice, the other the opposite. What this means is that every choice, every possibility, exists multidimensionally. This was the final piece for me, because this meant that no requirements could possibly exist, since all possibilities already do! I cannot have a specific destiny when an infinitude of CSs exist in an infinitude of possible worlds doing an infinitude of different things, and the same holds true for everyone else.
This also solved my conundrum concerning the purpose of Reality. Put simply, the purpose is Experience. There is only one thing which a singular consciousness cannot do, no matter how transcendent, and that is to understand itself if there is no basis for comparison. For "I" to exist, there must be "not I", for "here" there must be "there", and so on. The One Soul created All That Is within/from Itself in order for there to be a way for it to experience Itself as Itself, and also as not-Itself.
We, as conscious beings, have a most important job. Since we can make choices, we can create those multi-dimensional fractures of probability I mentioned before. Basically, each time a conscious being makes a choice, it doubles the possible ways the One Soul can experience Itself by splitting Reality into two.
Thus, our entire purpose is to make choices, and which choice we make is completely irrelevant as far as the One Soul is concerned, since from It's point of view, both choices exist. But this does not mean that it is all meaningless, not at all, because our choices make all the difference in the world to us. It is through our choices that we forge our experience, our particular perspective. The more consistent we are with our choices, the stronger our particular experience becomes, the more we are able to tap into the creative power within us. Therefore, the closest thing we have to an official purpose in life is to decide and proclaim Who We Are. Thus, in many ways, we are on the same voyage of self-understanding and self-creation which the One Soul is, only in microcosm.
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