Thursday, April 1, 2010

Unity solves nothing

I got to a place about 4-5 years ago where I thought I'd figured out The Big One, that my beliefs and ideas had found a final basic shape and everything else from there on out was just details. Unity was the Grand Truth, and our attachment to outcomes was the cause of all our misery. We needed to "let go and let God", surrendering our free will to the Will of All and just going with the flow. Problem was, as time went on I found myself feeling less and less content, less and less focused, less and less at peace. A little over a year ago all that changed, and I can now look back upon that time and put my finger on what the problem was.

My soul was bored.

You see, Unity may be the Ultimate Truth, but Unity is also incredibly, horrendously, cataclysmically boring, at least for your soul. It's great bliss for your mind and heart, don't get me wrong, but your soul just kinda sits there and says "yeah, yeah, been Here, done this, bought the T-shirt, didn't fit." You soul knows Unity already because your soul is Unity, and It/you came here to experience something that was not Unity. That's the whole point of physical existence, to be un-Unified.

We are the otters of the universe, to quote Richard Bach, playful, curious creatures who like nothing better than something new and different. Our soul is our inner child, and hanging out in nothing but Unity is the spiritual equivalent of taking your inner child shoe shopping; all well and good if the shoes light up and do neat things, but gets old really fast. Our soul doesn't want Unity, it wants to jump in mud puddles and sing loudly to bad songs and get the lyrics wrong and chase fireflies at twilight and imagine clouds as turtles and elephants and dragons and have fun!!

Realizing Unity helps us appreciate these things, but it doesn't bring them to us. They're already there, most people just don't see 'em.

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