Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God in 10 dimensions


Thanks to my dear friends at The Oddlots Irregulars, I found a very cool little video I wanted to share with all of you.  Check it out here.  Takes about 5 minutes to watch.  Go on, I can't continue this post until you do.  I'll wait.

Well, now that you've had your mind stretched a little, let me stretch it more.  So if all actual, possible, and impossible realities exist at a single point in 10-dimensional space, what if that point is actually God?

Some people have asked me how I can believe in a God so vast and impersonal.  I say, how more personal of a God do you want than one with whom you are One?  It is the Christian God, the one reclining on some vast and distant cloudy throne, passing judgement on us all, that I find impersonal.  This God, this Oneness, this Ocean from which we snowflakes all come and all return, this is a truly personal God.

Peace and joy to all, no exceptions.



  1. Video link leads me to zany advertisement.
    Im not happy about that.

  2. I doublechecked the link, and it's fine. It's not an ad, it's a video about multidimensional physics. Watch it, it's cool as hell.

